Frozen Embryo Transfer

Frozen Embryo Transfer

Maaeri AI-enabled Fertility Clinic in Delhi, NCR, believes that modern healthcare could assist you in fulfilling your dream of becoming a parent. As a top IVF clinic in Delhi, we innovate in assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and in vitro fertilisation (IVF). We aim to give you the most revolutionary accomplishment attainable for your IVF procedure. Contemporary facilities at our clinic are built to maximise frozen embryo transfer success rates and provide a relaxing, stress-free experience.

What is Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)?

An assisted reproduction (ART) cycle involves the frozen transfer of embryos (FET). FET provides the use of frozen embryos or eggs that have been fertilised. Your eggs are thawed and added into your uterus throughout the FET cycle. The ideal period to support a pregnancy is chosen throughout your menstrual cycle for this procedure. Hormones will be given to help accept the embryos by you're the lining of the lining which lines your uterus.

We will monitor your body's response to the hormone treatment with laboratory tests and ultrasound tests while you're taking the medications. Blood will be taken from a vein in your arm for you. Your levels of hormones are determined using the blood samples.  An ultrasound probe is added to your vagina during your transvaginal ultrasound examination.

A transvaginal ultrasound probe is placed into your vagina for the exam. The probe looks at your ovaries and uterus with sound waves. The doctor can print out these images that appear on the monitor in the exam room. You'll get comprehensive instructions from your care team. Pay particular attention to all instructions to increase the probability of having a happy pregnancy.

The Science Behind FET

The doctor will gather eggs through a surgical procedure known as an egg recovery that will be carried out under slight anaesthesia after the fertility specialist determines you are ready. Although you are under anaesthesia, your doctor uses ultrasound to guide the hollow needle and a catheter through the wall of your vagina to the ovary, where it will gather multiple eggs, one at a time. The amount of eggs gathered depends on how you respond to hormonal treatment. Unfertilised eggs may be frozen.

An embryologist creates one or more of the freshly collected eggs with donor and partner sperm to generate an embryo (a produced egg). For five to seven days, an embryo is watched as it grows in a petri dish. Embryos can be easily examined for genetic testing, especially when the donor, whether egg or sperm, is known to carry particular genetic disorders. They are evaluated to determine the embryos that have the most excellent chance of growing after getting implanted.

At this stage, the highly evaluated embryos can be frozen. The procedure, also known as vitrification, uses liquid nitrogen for flash-freezing to avoid the formation of ice crystals that might damage the embryo's cells and substitute the water in the embryo's cells with a protective fluid.


Benefits of Frozen Embryo Transfer

The process of freezing and maintaining embryos generated during in vitro fertilization (IVF) is known as frozen embryo transfer, or FET. In comparison to fresh embryo transfer, which includes transferring embryos right after fertilization, this has many advantages.

Improved Frozen Embryo Transfer Success Rates

Modern freezing methods like vitrification keep embryos intact with little chance of harm. They are viable and of excellent quality. As a result, FET has a high rate of success, which is at a level with transfers of fresh embryos.

Flexibility and Convenience

FET allows individuals to plan embryo moves at a time that best corresponds to their individual and physical needs. This method makes improved scheduling and timing feasible, which could increase the possibility of successfully being pregnant.

Reduced Cost and Less Invasive

After a new IVF cycle, FET cycles are less expensive as there is no anesthesia or egg retrieval, and only a small quantity of medication is needed. Once again, SET (Single Embryo Transfer) increases your accumulative conception rate from a single IVF process by providing multiple FET cycle possibilities following a single egg retrieval.

Better Uterine Environment

Because the transfer is put off with FET, the uterine environment is more secure and beneficial to implantation, increasing the treatment's effectiveness and safety.

Genetic Testing and Screening

Genetic testing and screening in a setting of frozen embryo transfer (FET) relates to operations performed on IVF-created embryos before their transfer into the female reproductive system. Through genetic analysis, these tests ask to identify embryos with a better chance of developing into a healthy pregnancy.

There are primarily two kinds :  

Aneuploidy Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT-A):  This test analyzes an embryo's chromosomal count. One of the leading causes of miscarriages and birth defects is chromosomal abnormalities, which are defined as having extra or missing chromosomes. PGT-A aids in identifying embryos that have the appropriate number of chromosomes, improving the likelihood of fruitful implantation and healthy babies.

Monogenic Disorder Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT-M):  When the family history of a particular genetic disorder is present, this test is performed. It analyzes embryos to determine whether a particular gene mutation is present or absent. For couples who have a high risk of passing on a serious genetic disorder to their children, PGT-M may be useful.

Frozen Embryo Transfer Procedure

Frozen embryos are implanted in the uterus one day during the menstrual cycle. This day is called the "implantation window," implying when the uterus is most amenable to obtaining an embryo.

For FET, two distinct types of strategies have been used. The patient is suggested to have general tests, a pelvic scan using ultrasound to measure the thickness of the endometrium lining, and, at times, a hysteroscopy before undergoing the FET procedure. In FET with hormone replacement, a few different steps take place:

The following steps in FET with hormone replacement are involved: FET Phase Hormone Supplement Pregnancy test, hormone evaluation during embryo transfer, and the subsequent follow-up.

Step 1: Estrogen Therapy and Hormone Replacement Cycles 

After carrying out basic tests, your gynaecologist will start you with estrogen dietary supplements to help with endometrial thickness and growth. Progesterone is added after the endometrium lining reaches the desired thickness, and a particular day is selected for the FET procedure. The method is additionally utilised with down-regulation injections, which are suppressive injections that may be initiated on the 21st day of the previous injection cycle.

Natural cycles: Hormonal supplements are not used throughout the FET biological cycle. The doctor monitors the ovulation procedure. The moment of ovulation is then confirmed through a series of scans and urine and blood tests. After the tests are completed, an embryo transfer is scheduled throughout the window of implantation. The embryo is frozen again, examined for quality, and put into the uterus on the day of the FET process.

Step 2: Transfer of Embryo 

Usually, the embryo is transferred during the third and fifth weeks of progesterone therapy. About the biological cycle of ovulation on the day of FET, which is scheduled, the embryo gets delivered to the uterus in the early hours. 

Step 3: Pregnancy test and hormonal analysis 

It is typical to run a serum pregnancy test 12–14 days following embryo transfer. If the pregnancy test is positive, serum progesterone levels may also be assessed. If the test is negative, hormone therapy is stopped, and the menstrual cycle begins just a few days later.

Step 4: Consultation for Follow-Up 

The gynaecologists will advise getting a vaginal sonogram three weeks following the pregnancy test is beneficial. At this point, the fetus's heart rate and the number of embryos can be found on the sonogram. After reaching a developmental turning point, there is little chance of miscarriage. If the FET procedure is unsuccessful, the patients should be provided with the respective medical professionals.

Frozen Embryo Transfer Timeline

About two to three days before the frozen embryo transfer procedure, medical professionals first choose the most suitable eggs to be transferred into the womb. Although numerous ways exist to select the eggs, healthcare providers usually use non-invasive methods like metabolomic identification for evaluation.

Disadvantages Of Frozen Embryo Transfer

There's a chance that none of your frozen embryos will survive the heating and cooling process. 

  • As a result, there won't be embryos that can be transferred.
  • The use of hormones like estradiol may make blood clots more probable. 
  • You might need to take blood-thinning medications or anticoagulants for several months if you develop blood clots.
  • Rarely do blood clots result in more severe issues like stroke, pulmonary embolus (blood clots in the lungs), or even death. 
  • The process of transferring embryos may result in mild bleeding, discomfort, and cramping. 
  • Infections from the catheter happen infrequently. You might need to take antibiotics when this occurs. 

Why Choose Maeri

Maaeri, the first AI-enabled fertility clinic in Delhi NCR, is managed by IVF professionals with over 22 years of collective expertise. The goal of Maaeri Fertility and IVF Center is to make it possible for infertile couples to experience the joy of parenthood. Through an outstanding 70% success rate in treating fertility issues, We Maaeri has helped more than 10,000 satisfied couples recognise their dreams of starting a family.

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